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Salanova lettuces have compact heads with many little leaves that breakdown nicely into bite-size pieces for a salad, but also work well in burgers, sandwiches, and as lettuce “cups”.
Depending on the week, you might receive butter lettuce or oak lettuce (but it will be red in colour!)
One head in plastic bag.
Certified Organic (IOPA #1922)
Depending on the week, you might receive butter lettuce or oak lettuce (but it will be red in colour!)
One head in plastic bag.
Certified Organic (IOPA #1922)
Tatlo Road Farm
Tatlo Road Farm is located on 7 acres just south of Crofton on Vancouver Island, and has been in operation since 2013. We grow a wide range of vegetables, herbs, and some fruit, as well as raising laying hens. We use agro-ecological practices to manage our farm and we are Certified Organic through the Island Organic Producers Association.If you'd like to read the long story of how we started, click here.
-Niki, Nick, Fenna, and Odi