Greensleeves marries the sweet flavour of Golden Delicious apples with the tartness of the British "James Grieve" variety and has a hint of pear flavour.
Try them in salads!
3 lbs in plastic bag. Grown in Mill Bay. Keep refrigerated.
Try them in salads!
3 lbs in plastic bag. Grown in Mill Bay. Keep refrigerated.
Hard To Come By Farm
Hard To Come By Farm specializes in growing apples, but also produces blackberries and raspberries in season. We are located in sunny Mill Bay at the south end of Telegraph Rd. We started the orchard in 1991 when we grafted 1000 trees and have been producing and marketing about 10-14 varieties of apples ever since. Our orchard is small, but with dwarf rootstalk we are able to grow a diversity of apples.All our apples are tree-ripened and then handpicked and carefully boxed or bagged to avoid bruising. We have some heritage varieties like Gravenstein, Cox Orange Pippin, and Kings; older varieties including Macoun, Greensleeves, Macintosh, Summer Red, Akane, and Discovery; and newer tasty varieties such as Liberty, Elstar, and Jonagold. We pick early varieties starting in August and later season varieties until November, storing our apples on-site in our cold storage facility to keep them crisp and available until January.
You can find us in the orchard most days, mowing, thinning, pruning, fertilizing, and picking. We follow an integrated pest management program. This involves the application of sulfur for control of powdery mildew and apple scab, and use of pheremone strips to disrupt mating of coddling moth insects. These practices combined with careful monitoring of weather patterns and insect pest populations through trapping helps us reduce the need for chemical fungicide and insecticides. We only spray when absolutely necessary; when rain is predicted and therefore apple scab will spread, or when traps indicate a severe insect pest problem that can not be controlled by other means. Sprays (if required) are discontinued in June.
We are excited to be working with Cowichan Milk Company to bring our fruit to you!
-Wayne and Cindy Haddow